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Addiction Medicine and COVID-19: What You Should Know

As the COVID-19 situation persists all over the world, people facing addiction — to alcohol, drugs, or anything else — have been faced with sheer uncertainty. The novel coronavirus presents danger for everyone, but some populations, including those with addiction, are particularly vulnerable to the chaos.  

This virus posits more than its obvious risks. It’s a disease that causes health complications and potentially death, absolutely, but it’s also a pandemic that has brought about: 

For people in addiction recovery, this newfound isolation means that in-person programs are postponed, meetings are canceled, appointments are rescheduled, and medications are significantly harder to obtain. 

Dr. Lori Scott at Lori Scott Family Care is acutely aware of this situation and the burden it places on those in addiction recovery: Dr. Scott is here with you every step of the way, and wants you to know that you can still receive the care and attention you need. 

Addiction medicine is still here

Dr. Scott is still operating her Kinston, North Carolina practice, although in-person appointments may be limited. If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction, you can go through a treatment plan with Dr. Scott fully online — she uses the effective Sinclair method to treat alcohol addiction via secure video appointments that you can partake in from the comfort of your own home.

If you suffer from opioid addiction, you may still be able to join a treatment plan with Dr. Scott. If you’re an existing patient, Dr. Scott can shift you to a temporary online treatment; if you’re a new patient, you’ll need to set up a video consultation with Dr. Scott before beginning a treatment plan. 

If you’ve been attending in-person appointments, group meetings, or medicine pick-ups, make sure to ask your provider about the efforts they’re making to continue providing care. You should remain in contact with your provider and always stay up-to-date on operational changes. 

Risk of coronavirus for patients with addiction

The National Institute of Drug Abuse has declared addiction a high-risk condition for developing complications from COVID-19. Because of the way that drugs and alcohol act on the brain and organs, substance abuse disorder can lead to potentially fatal respiratory complications from COVID-19.

That’s why now, more than ever, it’s important to understand the risks of substance abuse and take advantage of any help that’s available to you. You can find a comprehensive and constantly updated list of resources from the American Society of Addiction Medicine.

Navigating isolation during addiction recovery

Life is different right now, and that’s okay. You might feel scared, depressed, hopeless, lonely, or anxious — or all of the above. It’s absolutely acceptable and necessary to let yourself feel those emotions. The important part is that you work through them with healthy coping mechanisms and recognize when you need to enlist help. 

If you’re at home with family right now, lean on your family members for support; same if you’re with friends or roommates who understand your condition. If you’re alone during the coronavirus outbreak, consider shifting to an online addiction recovery program for the time being. An online program may not have the social aspect you crave and miss, but it’s still support, and some support is better than none. 

Dr. Scott can help you navigate the uncertainty that is COVID-19 and addiction: Book an appointment by calling our Kinston, North Carolina, office at 252-238-7079 or book online today.

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