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How Weight Loss Can Affect Your Cardiovascular Health

How Weight Loss Can Affect Your Cardiovascular Health

Keeping your heart healthy helps you live a full and happy life. But if you're overweight, your heart is at risk for severe complications like a heart attack or cardiovascular disease.

Losing weight is the best way to get in control of your heart health. If you're struggling to lose weight, Dr. Lori Scott and her team offer customized weight loss plans — including B12 injections and the hCG diet regimen — to help you finally shed your excess weight for good and give you the boost you need for your heart health.

How obesity affects your heart

It's no surprise that obesity harms your health — especially when it comes to your heart. Carrying too much weight decreases your quality of life and has detrimental effects on several aspects of your health.

Cardiovascular disease is directly linked to obesity, along with other factors like genetics and lifestyle factors. Taking control of your weight is one of the ways you can take control of your heart health.

Obesity affects your heart in various ways. For instance, excess weight puts more strain on your heart muscle, often resulting in high blood pressure. Sustained high blood pressure can lead to dangerous complications such as a stroke.

When you're obese, your cholesterol levels suffer as well. Not only does being overweight elevate your bad cholesterol levels, but it also lowers your good cholesterol. Obesity also increases triglycerides, which can eventually lead to a heart attack.

Diabetes is another result of obesity. While it may not seem like diabetes is directly linked to your heart, this chronic disease significantly increases your risk of cardiovascular disease and other complications that affect your health.

Weight loss equals a healthy heart

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, losing 5%-10% of your total weight decreases your risk for chronic diseases. If you're worried about your heart health, you can be assured knowing weight loss decreases cardiovascular complications by:

Lowering blood pressure

Obesity significantly affects your blood pressure, causing excess stress on your arteries. When you lose weight and watch your salt intake, you can reverse high blood pressure, which reduces the strain on your heart.

Decreasing cholesterol levels

Having high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides is a recipe for disaster. Losing even a small amount of weight and eating a diet low in unhealthy fats helps level out your cholesterol.

Preventing diabetes

Diabetes — out-of-control blood sugar — has detrimental effects on your heart. Losing weight and keeping your sugars in check helps you reduce abdominal fat, a significant problem with diabetes, and prevents excess strain on your heart. 

Reversing sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a severe disorder that causes you to stop breathing for short periods during sleep, often many times a night. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when excess tissues and fat deposits in your upper respiratory tract block your airway.

When air flow stops, your body releases stress hormones that can lead to heart disease over time. When you lose weight, you can reverse sleep apnea in some cases, which significantly helps your cardiovascular health.

Tips to lose weight for good

Dr. Scott helps you understand all of the benefits of weight loss at your consultation and works with you to develop a healthier life and body. These tips can help you get started on your weight loss journey:

Get active

Exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight and stay ahead of your cardiovascular health. You should get at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily to kick-start your weight loss.

Eat whole foods

Your diet plays a prominent role in your ability to lose weight. Dr. Scott helps you understand what foods to focus on while reducing sugars and refined foods. Incorporating lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables into your diet is a great way to start losing weight.

Ask for help

Support is one of the most significant aspects of a successful weight loss plan. Dr. Scott offers personalized weight loss plans, including weekly weigh-ins, blood work, and custom supplements to enhance your weight loss efforts.

She is with you every step of your weight loss journey, helping you finally take control of your health to prevent cardiovascular disease.

To find out about our weight loss plans, don't hesitate to call Lori Scott Family Care in Kinston, North Carolina, at 252-238-7079 or book an appointment online today using our convenient scheduling tool.


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