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Need a Little Help With Your Weight-Loss Resolution?

“New year, new me.” We’ve all heard it and, heck, we’ve all probably said it our fair share of times. Post-holiday season, we all feel sluggish, bloated, and ready for a change. We’re ready. We’re committed. We’re really gonna do the thing. We’re finally going to shed that extra weight. 

The first week of January goes great: You’re downing a gallon of water every day, you’ve upped your intake of fruits and veggies, and you’re actually enjoying your new workout routine.

Second week of January passes by and you still feel pretty good, but the tug of work responsibilities and family duties starts to pull once again, and you find yourself daydreaming of doughnuts. By the third week of January, you’re exhausted and give in to your junk food cravings, just like you did back in 2019. 

So what gives? Why are weight-loss resolutions so hard? 

Dr. Lori Scott is here to tell you that it’s not just you. Don’t feel bad: Losing weight is so much more than just switching up your diet and hitting the gym. Of course, those things matter, but it’s the underlying drive that drives weight loss. What’s most important is that you make a major change to your habits. 

Why can’t I lose weight? 

Habit change. That important, underlying thing that no one talks about when it comes to weight loss is habit change. If you don’t make long-term, sustainable changes, you’ll gain back whatever weight you lose (or not lose any weight).

Without changing your habits, your weight loss resolutions will never stick. The reason most people don’t change their habits is simply because habit change is hard. Consider these examples: 

None of these trade-offs sound glamorous or fun. They’re not exciting the way it’s exciting to imagine the outfits you’ll be able to pull off. But they work, and they’re the kinds of changes that are necessary to lose weight and keep it off.

It’s understandable if you don’t feel motivated. Results take time, and everything you need to do for now involves discipline and restraint, rather than pleasure. It’s also not always clear what exactly you need to do to lose weight. For example, you may know which foods are unhealthy, but not know what exactly a nutritious, balanced diet looks like.

Medically supervised weight loss is often the key to losing weight. It provides accountability and motivation that most people struggle to summon on their own. 

Why medically supervised weight loss works

Accountability is the name of the game. With a physician-supervised weight loss plan, there are no opportunities for you to give up your efforts when a fleeting opportunity for immediate gratification arises. It’s much harder to reach for that doughnut when you know your doctor will find out.

When you enroll in a weight loss program with Dr. Scott, you’ll get a comprehensive physical exam complete with blood work and a hormone panel, so you both know exactly where you’re starting from. 

Then, Dr. Scott develops an individualized plan that includes personalized coaching, weekly check-ins, a nutritious meal plan, and supplements and medications as necessary. In other words, there’s no room for error. The hard work is done for you — you just have to follow the program.

To learn more about a weight loss program with Lori Scott, MD, schedule a consultation appointment today. Call our Kinston, North Carolina clinic at 252-238-7079 or book your appointment online.

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