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Painkillers: A Slippery Slope

Some of the most addictive, destructive drugs are something readily available at a pharmacy, commonly prescribed by doctors. Addiction to opioid pain medications is an epidemic. If you’re struggling with opioid dependence or addiction, don’t go at it alone.

At our facility, Dr. Lori Scott helps you navigate the long road of opioid addiction. She helps you recognize the problem, and develops a solution to get your life back on track.

What are painkillers?

Painkillers, which also go by the terms opioid pain medication, are drugs that are usually prescribed for serious pain. The pain could be the result of a number of different issues, like a broken bone or surgery. Sometimes, they’re even prescribed for chronic conditions that cause widespread pain. 

These types of medications work directly on your brain to block the receptors that allow you to feel pain. This can create a feeling of euphoria and have a calming effect. Other side effects you may feel include:

Opioid pain medications are much stronger than normal over-the-counter pain medications. These medications need to be prescribed by a doctor, due to their high potency and the fact that they’re highly addictive. Opioids should never be taken in conjunction with alcohol or other illicit substances, as it can be very dangerous.

Signs of a problem

As mentioned earlier, opioid pain medications are highly addictive. If you’ve been injured or had surgery and were prescribed these medications, you could become addicted if you’re not careful. Though they can be safe for managing pain in the short-term, under very controlled circumstances, continued use can lead to dependence and addiction.

So how do you know if you have a problem with painkillers? Only you understand how you feel, but there are signs that you and your loved ones can be aware of that signal addiction. These signs include:

The tell tale sign that you have a problem with opioid addiction is the inability to quit taking the drug, even when your pain is no longer a problem. You’ll also notice that your body requires more and more of the drug to get the same effect. 

Getting the help you need

The first step to getting the help you need is to recognize that you have a problem. Once you get to that point, Dr. Scott can help get you on the road to recovery. At your appointment, Dr. Scott creates a personalized treatment plan to help you get your life back for good.

Treatment involves you taking a medication that prevents you from wanting the opioid medication. This drug is called suboxone. Suboxone actually contains two different medications—naloxone and buprenorphine. These medications help you to wean off of painkillers and reduce the symptoms of withdrawal. 

However, suboxone isn’t the only piece of the treatment puzzle. Dr. Scott also needs you to keep regular appointments and submit to normal urine toxicology screening.

A key part to staying away from opioids in the long term is addiction counseling. Counseling helps you understand the causes of your addiction and equips you with tools to avoid risky situations.

If you're dealing with an opiod addiction, you aren't alone. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Scott by calling our office at 252-238-7079. You can also book a consultation online today.

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