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Regretting That Tattoo? PicoSure® Laser Removal Has You Covered

It’s difficult to get through life without regrets, but when one of those regrets is a tattoo, you may not be able to simply chalk it up to experience and a distant memory. You’ve got a visible reminder each time you look in the mirror.

Tastes change, too, so even if you don’t regret your tattoo, you may be after a new look. Either way, Lori C. Scott, MD, and her team have you covered, offering tattoo removal using the PicoSure® laser system, the top laser platform to tackle tattoo ink. When your design outlives its welcome, call Lori Scott Family Care.

The PicoSure difference

Before PicoSure, laser tattoo removal showed limited effectiveness. Systems relied on the transfer of energy to heat and break up tattoo dyes, which wasn’t effective on all dye colors. Often, partial removal was the best you could expect.

PicoSure brought two important changes to the game. First, PicoSure takes its name from the duration of laser pulses it generates. These are in the picosecond range, much faster than other laser systems.

This short duration means the PicoSure laser can deliver more power to break up tattoo ink without being absorbed by surrounding tissue that’s not targeted. PicoSure uses pressure as well as heat to break tattoo ink into fine particles that can then pass through and out of your body via the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

The second change includes switchable laser wavelengths. Dark tattoo inks in the black, blue, and green range respond best to a laser tuned to 755 nanometers. However, this wavelength isn’t very effective for warm colors, such as red, yellow, and orange because the inks won’t absorb enough energy from the laser. PicoSure responds to this challenge with a second wavelength setting. Using 532 nanometers, these sunset colors are effectively broken down for natural processing through your body.

What to expect at your tattoo removal session

Your tattoo removal treatments depend heavily on the tattoos in question, including their size and density. An average tattoo takes about 10 minutes to treat — although for best results, a sequence of treatments may be needed to completely fade some designs.

The tattoo removal process feels much like the application of a tattoo, but there are no punctures made in your skin. A light anesthetic cream can reduce any discomfort.

Follow-up treatments are generally scheduled between six and eight weeks apart, to give your body time to heal between sessions. Because PicoSure only breaks up tattoo inks, it’s necessary to wait while your body flushes out these tiny particles, so the fading of your tattoo occurs over time.

Because your tattoos are unique, you devise a personalized treatment plan with Dr. Scott and her team. Share your expectations and goals for tattoo removal so your treatments have the best chance for success.

Schedule your consultation by calling Dr. Scott’s office or by using the online booking tool. PicoSure has you covered, and you can soon be on your way to erasing this regret.

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